InterTech Research Corporation



Created by GPT4-V     今回は、趣向をがらりと変えて、ChatGPTの創造性の部分につて試してみました。   かの松下幸之助が、PHP研究所の機関誌「PHP」の裏表紙に載してきた短文が集められ「道をひ …

Cohere CoralのConnectors機能についてーその2

Shoreline of Loch Dùghaill © Copyright John Allan and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. …

Cohere CoralのConnectors機能について

Fields and passing Grand Central Train © Copyright DS Pugh and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons …

CohereのRerank 3について

Salle Cricket ground © Copyright Evelyn Simak and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.   前回 …

ChatGPT、Copilot、Gemini、Claude 3、Mistral AIに論理パズルを解かせてみた

Barclays Bank, Long Eaton © Copyright David Lally and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. …

Mistral AIについて

Hoad Hill © Copyright Ian Taylor and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.   前回は、Perplexityの …


Church House Farm, Lower Sapey from The Three Rivers Ride © Copyright Jeff Gogarty and licensed for reuse unde …


Sheep, Nower Farm © Copyright Derek Harper and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.   前回は、「 …


Houses on Lower School Street, Port Charlotte © Copyright Andrew Abbott and licensed for reuse under this Crea …

このところアナウンスされた生成AIのレビュー その2

Looking down on Scotney Castle © Copyright Marathon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence …

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